Title | Kaunas Juozas Urbšys progymnasium |
Logo | |
Address, telephon | Partizanų g. 68, Kaunas, LT-49367
Telephone/ Fax: (8 37) 311088 Email adress: urbsiovm@urbsys.kaunas.lm.lt |
Leagal status | Public Institution |
Legal entity code | 190137074 |
Institutional language | Lithuanian language |
Director | Rima Špakauskaitė-Kučinskienė |
Institution mission | To Provide prie-school, primary and basic education of high quality relying on Community pedagogic values, to develop witty and broad minded, creatively thinking person, mastering several foreign languages. |
School performance is based on these values |
School philosophy | Creativity, integrity, equity, legality, tolerance: school performance updated on constant learning and teaching processes improvement. |
Priority performance focus |
Objectives of school performance |